
Today we did a second (and final) breeding season bird survey of our allocated open space, which happens to be some allotments. I really enjoy the wander round - I no longer have the patience, time, space and energy to grow vegetables, but get some of the pleasure vicariously from viewing the work of others. Of course, at the moment, lots of stuff is coming to fruition. I love the variation in the gardens. Some are neat and tidy, others are more casual. They have a range of interesting buildings, from the elegant shed, through to the ramshackle (what a lovely word!) and makeshift, and doors and gates of all kinds of styles and vintage. Lots of scope for a photography project, which may be a future plan. For today, apart from this one shot of part of a door showing details its many incarnations, the focus was on counting birds. 

Longshaw tomorrow. Car Park duty again. I may have a go at getting people to do a Butterfly Count while they are there.

A few people expressed an interest in my suggestion of a Blipmeet there. If anyone else is interested, please get in touch, and suggestions of dates would be welcome. Should we wait till after the school hols? Should we go for a weekend?

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