Missed the Train!

Yes I know my blipfoto has nothing to do with the title.  I'll explain. 
The cherries are on a tree we planted in our garden and I hope the birds leave us some as it's the first year we've had any at all. 
So, after yesterday's optimism today was difficult.  First of all, due to Anthony's faffing, we missed our train to London!  That alone after yesterday's blip could be seen as amusing, but it did mean the journey was more stressful and not a blipfoto op.  Once in London Anthony went off to meet my dad and they enjoyed a fabulous, partly touristy, partly speed boat trip on the Thames, whilst Lauren and I met my mum to tour the McQueen exhibition at the V&A.  I took a call from my physio just as we arrived as she had the results of my scan: not good news.  I have a degenerative disc bulge so I need a referral to a consultant.  Over lunch, Dad chirpily informed me he'd had exactly the same problem at my age and that's what he'd had spinal surgery for.  I nearly cried!  Clearly I'm hoping to avoid that and my physio said some injections plus exercises may fix it but absolutely no idea of time frame; it could be up to a year.  Sticking with yesterday's analogy I think my stopping train has derailed!
So, rushing about and distractions at the wrong times meant I completely forgot to take any photos whilst in South Kensington, hence the photo of the cherries once home.  However, looking at the positives of the day, the McQueen exhibition is truly as marvellous as everyone says it is, the boys had a blast on the boat and lunch with my parents was delicious.  Oh and we have some cherries to enjoy!

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