Beyond the windows

Treuliais i'r diwrnod yn ymladd gyda 'Windows'.  Ar ddiwedd y dydd roedd gwasanaeth arferol ailddechrau, ond beth gwastraff o amser.  Ysgrifennodd Clive James cerdd am 'Windows', gyda'r enw 'Windows is Shutting Down'.  Roeddwn i'n hapus i adael 'Windows' heddiw.

Ar law arall, y tu allan y ffenestri mae planhigyn gyda ni gydag aeron glas.  Rydw i'n meddwl 'mahonia' yw'r enw. Yn ôl i Wikipedia, ydych chi'n gallu bwyta nhw - efallai bydda i'n trio un yfory.

I spent the day fighting with ;Windows'. At the end of the day normal service was resumed, but what a waste of time. Clive James wrote a poem about 'Windows', with the name "Windows is Shutting Down'. I was happy to leave 'Windows' today.

On the other hand, outside the windows we have a plant with blue berries. I think 'mahonia' is the name. According to Wikipedia, you can eat them - maybe I'll try one tomorrow.

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