
By JanBee

Painted ships

An artists canvas
A wash of aquamarine,
Daubed with painted ships. *

Arrived in Dorset, got pitched up and went off to visit T.E Lawrence's cottage "Clouds Hill" .... unfortunately not open on Tuesdays ... time for Plan B.... noticed Lulworth cove quite nearby, so headed there.  I was there earlier in the year on a trip with the local camera club (see this blip of nearby Durdle Dor), but didn't mind going again.

Of course I had forgotten that we are now in "Summer" and therefore lots of other people would be there too .... never mind it's still beautiful.

The campsite  we are staying at is a lovely wooded site and has eco friendly composting toilets ...  an excellent idea, but rather alarming to use at first.   Those of a nervous disposition stop reading at this point...
 Basically instead of the usual toilet bowl and water flush system the toilet seat is above a big hole... and all the ... er ... matter just falls down and goes through a composting process (explained here).   There is no smell, but there is a gentle flow of air which can be a bit chilly around more delicate regions ...

Sadie's eyes are a lot better today and she is happy in herself,  but just getting older I'm afraid ... 

Extra:  Rock formations at Stair Hole
* OK I know they are boats, but it didn't scan as well so there!

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