Waiting in the close

I spent far too much time with this today...

After a long day at work, I decided to use my new computer for the first time to develop my photos. It took me a while to figure out how to do everything but I sort of managed in the end. However, when I went to export the files from lightroom, for some unexplained reason (I did exactly the same as I did in my old computer and older version of Lightroom), the watermark didn't appear on my jpg versions. I still haven't figured out why... In the process I have wasted a lot of time as I had to process my photos again in my old computer so I could get the watermark. I'll try and figure this out tomorrow...

It also took me a while to upload this photo in here... Never mind..

Lionel Richie was playing today in the Castle, here in Edinburgh, so there were lots of people heading up the hill on my way back home. Glad the weather was nice for the concert. I didn't go though.

Feeling tired now but glad I'll be off for the next couple of days.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments and stars. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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