
By CharlotteJ

Making and Varying Contracts

Today, I joined Charlotte for her Making and Varying Contracts course which is part of her Employment Law post grad studies. 

I had a fun day, I got to sit on the train, I got to eat at the table for lunch.  I sat on the water cooler in the training room, and I got to sit with the tutor at his here you have me sitting at the tutor's desk with all his notes.

Lots of people said Charlotte was as 'mad as a box of frogs'.  I'm glad I made the day fun for Charlotte and the other students.  We did ask for a group photo and the tutor was up for it, but there was a student there who wasn't keen so that was the end of that idea.

We are now home and Charlotte is rushing around like a headless chicken, she needs to eat dinner first, but we are packing for our east coast trip tomorrow....oh and I have been told, I am off to Rome on Monday!

Happy Days xx

PS Kiwi still not well, he keeps singing at inappropriate times, so probably best he doesn't travel to Rome. 

Have a great night - BlipBear xx

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