Tam and Meg

Robert Burns poem Tam o' Shanter describes the antics of Tam, a farmer, who had a tendency to celebrate after market day and well into the night.

One one such night he starts to head home extremely drunk on the back of his trusty steed Meg.

A storm is brewing and the kirk is all a glow with witches and warlocks dancing while the devil plays the bagpipes.

Tam rides on and after seeing Cutty Sark (short skirt) a particularly wanton witch Tam shouts 'Weel done, Cutty Sark'. Immediately the lights go out, the dancing stops and many of the 'creatures' lunge after Tam.

Tam pushes on and as he approaches the river Doon the witches come so close to catching Tam that they pull Meg's tail off just as he reaches the Brig o' Doon

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