Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Parker Street Floral towers and garden.

It is rainy, cloudy, cold and low light.
Any wonder the Co-op on the High Street have put a big box of oranges outside their shop door to encourage people to up their Vitamin C in this bleak June weather.
I went to my Slimming World group and the weight loss for the group was tremendous. Andrea is a brilliant SW consultant and a large part of our success is down to her encouragement and recipe ideas.
I received a useful free booklet for being a target member, that means reaching my goal weight and continuing to maintain it.
I have been out in the rain looking for a good blip and settled on this one because the colour from the flowers brought a nice uplift of heart on this drizzly day. They are provided each year by the council but the garden area behind the flower towers is maintained by Prospects.
Hope others are having a better glimpse of the sun.

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