Birthday Boy!

Eighteen years ago Jae was born! He doesn't normally like having his photo taken but today he didn't mind too much! He recieved several cards, some cash and Playstation Network vouchers, all of which he is delighted with!

I do have one confession. Because of going to Horncastle on Tuesday, my parents forgot to give me a card for him and I forgot to remind them. So I put some cash in a card and wrote in it - not suspicious, as they often get me to write cards for them these days! 

But then they did remember and posted a card - with cash - to him! I then had to admit to my deception! They'd given him £10 less than I put in however - so I've let him keep the extra tenner!

He has done well for cards too. None from his mates. They wished him Happy Birthday via Facebook but to me that's not the same!

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