Good Deed

Today was a day of a good deed, carried out with some trepidation.  An elderly neighbour (whom we had not met before) approached in some panic.  She wanted her water shut off and her talk was of unhelpful emergency plumbers and flooding houses.  I am not sure she was was entirely rationale but she was clearly very upset.

I offered to help.  Every plumbing job I have undertaken has ended in some disaster or other.  The norm is for me to go ahead with some confidence to replace a washer and ending up by putting a toilet out of action for some time.  Hard to do without a toilet.

I decided not to tell her this.  Found the stop cock and gave it a twist with a wrench.  The water went off.

I stopped while I was ahead.  The neighbour was very grateful.

And the white water lily came out for me as if to reward my good deed.

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