
By irunlykagirl


Hosting monoMonday comes with a responsibility to name names & honourable mentions. And, whilst stars may get you into the popular page - stars, much like the night sky seem endless. So we give out hearts. Because with only 5 hearts on offer each day - it makes the task more special, challenging & at times difficult.
In order to ensure I've considered everyone, I write a list as I go, the images I liked & who posted them.
Then I collate the list into topics & from there find 3 contenders & alas, a winner is found.

To anyone thinking about hosting - do it. It's fun watching people squirm at the topics you pick - even if they seem mundane - you will be inspired & entertained by people's imagination & skill as they think outside the frame.
Paladian started the idea of mono....I think Skeena oversees the show - drop by & nominate your interest....but I will check...

I've already another 4 themes for my next turn at it.... Again thanks to everyone who has played along this weatherly July month.

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