Pigeons Posts

Hey Brian

Yes Hester

Brian - I love your new feet.

What do you mean me new feet.  They are the same old feet. Oooooh, they've gone bright red.  You know what that means Hester,

Yes Brian I know only too well.  It means the building of a new nest, the laying of eggs, and then the patter of tiny claws, and baby sitting, and endless feeding.

Aw, come on Hester - it's all good fun.

Fun!! Fun!! Fun for you you mean - it's not that much fun for me - the laying of eggs, the patter of tiny claws...........  But I do love your new red feet, and your gorgeous pink feathers, and those iridescent bits, it almost turns a girls head it does.

It does more than turn my head Hester.  Come here you gorgeous bit of feather you!!

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