At Last

By 8

Message in a Bottle

Given up by the Irish sea into the nets of clam/scallop fishermen. Then passed on to us with such generous kind heartedness - even though we are mere artists :-)
Thank you to Tony and his crew who also gave us a rusty grapple hook and a ladder for our garden. They dislike how Kirkudbright has become all 'arty farty' and that huge sums of money are being spent on the town hall renovation ( into a purpose built gallery.)
Easy to understand their frustration when you think about the graft they have to do to earn a living.
We explained to them that here in Durham nothing is spent on regional art and that our teeny gallery is the only one in the county and has to be run by volunteers.

Yet it didn't stop them from giving these gifts ... pictured one such - a bottle complete with barnacles from somewhere at the bottom of the Irish Sea.
Made us feel humble.
And made me think hard about what money is spent on.

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