
By CharlotteJ

In answer to BlackTulip's question....yes I have been to the beach with my bucket and spade!

The weather here this morning was horrible and with very strong winds.  Absolutely no chance of conifer cutting, the whole point of Charlotte and Chris's visit.  After lunch we decided to wrap up and go to the beach.  Charlotte's dad cant walk very well so we decided to go to a beach off the beaten track and only where 'locals' go.  Charlotte's Dad, Tony decided once we got to the beach that it was just a little too windy for him so he stayed in the car watching us on the beach whilst I made this sand castle.

We had a fun half hour but sadly the camera didn't like being out on the beach so we decided to head back to the safety of the car and then back to Charlotte's parents bungalow.  Once back the wind dropped, very typical I am told of these parts, and the sun has shone!  Charlotte and Chris managed to cut the conifers!  YAY!! 

Tomorrow we head back to Charlotte and Chris's house and then we get ready for Rome.

With love BlipBear

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