Great Blue Skimmer to the rescue!

I was exhausted and had just plopped myself down on the sofa thinking a nap would be nice when I suddenly remember I haven't taken any photos today.  I've already gotten much too hot once today.  I glance out the living room window and there he is just waiting for me!  Mr Great Blue Skimmer resting on the front door planter.    Thank you Mr Skimmer.

It was finally cooler today, 88º/31º and so I was outside this morning cleaning the porch/patio area.  I normally do the cat eating area every other day and the rest of the area at least once a week.  With this intense heat, I haven't done the rest of the area in about 5-6 weeks.  By the time I was finished today I was soaked in sweat and my legs weren't working too good but boy was it nice to see it done at last.  

We ran a couple of errands in town but it was a use the walker kinda day for sure!!  Now that I have the photos of Mr Skimmer, think I'll have a nap!

Happy Saturday everyone!

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