Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Home Alone

Ah, the joys of being single!  While G frolics in the rain at The Wickerman, I had intended to do massive amounts of gardening and general tidying up around the place.  Sadly, the weather has not cooperated, and so the plans changed.

Today I farted around most of the day, turned out a couple of cupboards, and bagged up stuff for charity shops or for chucking out.  I reorganised the cupboard under the stairs, and did a wee bit of vacuuming. 

Now the dog is walked, my Kraft macaroni (surely the most delicious of all convenience foods?) is aplate, and I am about to launch myself into some more of the box sets I've been downloading in his Remote Controller's absence. 

I'm up to episode 9 of Series 6, in preparation for watching Series 7 which I bought for his birthday.  Just thought I'd be better to revisit what went before, so that I was completely up to speed with the new (final) series.  Very glad that I did this, as it has been such a long time since series 6 aired, that I had forgotten most of what it was all about. 

Tell me; does it get better than staying up until 3am drinking wine and watching motorcycle gangs do gun deals?  And knowing that tomorrow morning I will have peace - perfect peace - to listen to the Archers, while munching toast and coffee in bed?

Of course I miss him, and am delighted he'll be home tomorrow afternoon, but I DO like a little bit of me time!

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