A sign of the times

Myself and a few mates hit the 'Dream Resort' last night for a couple of games of pool. It's a seedy little dancing-girls (fully clothed women taking turns on the stage to sway gently to hideously loud Arabic music whilst Omani men look on in barely disguised lust)/bar/pool hall type of joint that could do with a major upgrade, but it's the best we have and so it does nicely once the beers start flowing. Entry to the place was almost refused due to two of the guys wearing three-quarters and flip-flops, (the irony of course being that the thirty or so Omanis propping up the bar were wearing pretty much much the same thing), but we got to stay in the end after a bit of sweet talking regarding the amount of money the six of us would provide over the next couple of hours.

After the pool ran dry, the obligatory 'kebab' stop on the way home took us into a busy little area in the cheaper end of town. Instead of kebabs, you get 'shwarmas' (probably incorrectly spelt) which are basically bread and 'meat'. Omanis distinguish between two types of meat; chicken and everything else!

The shop picture here caused much hilarity at the time, so I popped back today to grab today's Blip.

We of course have the big chains out here like M&S, Borders, Starbucks etc. but at the poorer end of town, the signs leave little to the imagination. Other shop signs in this area include 'Sale of Chicken', 'Meat', 'Rent Of Function Article' and my personal favourite 'Sale And Maintenance Of Sewing Machine'!

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