Just Where Are We Headed?

The day came in foggy and cloudy (extra photo) but before we were finished having breakfast, the sun broke through.  The wedding wasn't until 5 p.m. so we had the day to do what we wanted.  Jon and I took a small hike, this was about 3/4 way up a path that led to a flume where the trees were cut and sent down to the railroad cars below to be used for building.  We couldn't help wondering how hard it must have been to build these tracks back in the 1800s at about 3,000' above elevation.  This is still a working railroad.  

Seeing this set the thoughts in motion about a new commitment Matthew and Richard made to each other, new beginnings.  The adjustments Jon and I are making and settling into, continuations.  And Matthew's grandmother who celebrated her 90th birthday a couple of months ago, it might have been a stretch for her to accept all this as she comes to the end of her life.  In the end, it was the most beautiful wedding - love surrounded them from everywhere, every possible attention was paid to detail and it was all exquisite.  They had over 200 guests and all were chosen to celebrate this "perfect day" with them because times are changing and we celebrate love in every relationship.

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