Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog


I'm having camera issues again. My main one, which packed up at the end of my Corfu trip in June but was in warranty so subsequently repaired by the folk at Sony, has packed up again. My last one, which packed up for other reasons but appeared to have resurrected after being left in a quiet drawer for six months has de-resurrected. All of which helps to explain why I was standing outside at night with my tablet held up to the window in the vague hope that this backlit moth might be vaguely blippable.

I think this is another Riband Wave, the non-banded form, although the transparent nature of the wings brought on by the backlighting suggested that it might be something more exotic.

And the study window definitely needs a wash. It's where the cats spend their nights and so there is a steady accumulation of nose and paw prints where they too enjoy watching the moths.

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