
Early morning ferry to Stornoway. Everyone had a crap night. Jaffa couldn't settle and kept E and M awake all night. I slept like a baby right up to point when Adam vomited and then I had to clean the bathroom. Perfect preparation for a boat trip...

Sea was a mill pond. Uneventful trip. Raining in Stornoway. Drove south. Raining more. Got stuck for an hour in a traffic jam (yes, really - there was some kind of local fair and cars had parked all over the place, effectively blocking the road. It took the police and other helpers ages to sort it out). Drove over the mountains. Still raining. Beautiful, but still raining.

And the all of a sudden it stopped. And when it did it was just beautiful. Drove to the beach at Northton. Kids were in the sea in no time.

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