Sunshine on a cloudy day

In and out sun, preparations for the upcoming three week plus vacation and food pick up for Raspberry round out the day so far.

We bought a new laptop on Friday evening, a 13 inch MacBook Pro to replace our old MacBook Pro from 2006. To be honest, I'm a dedicated desktop 27 inch iMac user and the laptop will really only be used in Maine and on trips. The old Pro geezer from 2006 can't do much anymore and my swearing and ranting don't make for a relaxing vacation for me or poor T. We'll set the laptop up this afternoon. T bit the bullet yesterday morning with a call to Applecare to iron out a longstanding problem with our Time Machine. An hour and a half later on the phone and after 12 ours of backing up and it's back in business, phew. We had an excellent salesperson at the Apple Store, so that experience was stress free and informative. Now I'm looking for an online cloud service for a back up of the back up, I have too many images on the iMac to even admit to. I am sleeping better with the Time Machine back in full swing and the LaCie external drive, but extra insurance cannot hurt.

We had a trip to IKEA last evening to stock up on some things needed for the Machiasport house, so other than packing we are in excellent shape for the journey to our little piece of heaven on a hill.

For the Record,
This day came in dark and dreary with rain and thunder on the way.

All hands healthy(but sore from yard work and garden weeding yesterday)

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