Strike that. Reverse it!


Endor Diorama

Rainy Sunday. One poorly boy who spent most the night awake and most of today resting. Hoping he's coming out the other side. His temp really spiked last night sending us into panic, along with rapid breathing, really was a worrying time! Luckily it's a little lower now, nowhere near normal but not ridiculously high.

Mikey wanted to build an Endor Diorama this summer. Of course he's finished it in a day. Wish I could show you all the detail he's put into it, it really is fabulous. Especially avid fans who would spot the little touches. This photo really doesn't do it justice.

Managed to get lots done today. Even tidied my wardrobe. Four bags for the charity shop later and a much tidier wardrobe. Thank goodness!

It has been a good day on a whole. Paul and I should be going out tonight as we have a babysitter but having spent most of the last two nights awake with Tommy it's the last thing I can face. Looking forward to a good nights sleep..... I can live in hope ;0)

Hope you've had a good weekend xxx

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