It's a Winner!

Or a loser, depending on ever so many factors. The last one we pulled was almost this size, tasted delicious and was practically an entire meal….

Maya, still in her pajamas was up there first thing this morning to sample the tomatoes and pull a few carrots. We stopped her after one when we saw the size of it. Owen was on his way up there with us, but cleverly did an end run around to the TV room door and back to his gaming device. In his father's day, it was the television I had trouble dragging the kids away from. I cut the plug off the end of the cord once. It was well worth it if only for the expressions on their faces….(Did she REALLY just do that?)

After saying good bye to Olive and the gang,  OilMan and I have spent the afternoon banishing the dog hair and spider webs which have accumulated in the house over the last week and taking the water from the bucket in the shower out to the pots in the patio. We've had a few cooler days but the temps are heading back into the hundreds soon.

We have friends arriving tomorrow to stay for a few days which will help ease the transition back to Life Without the Tour. It's been one of the most exciting we've seen in awhile… rain, heat, almost diabolically difficult routes, and whatever else the race director had to throw at them. We will miss them once they make the final round of the Champs Elysee, collect their prizes and leave us until next July.

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