
By caitielou

Food Foto

We don't have many weekends home during the summer, but when we do they are jam-packed with all the things we've been ignoring and saying that we'll get to later. For example, my car's battery has been needing to be replaced for months but I only just got a new one this weekend. We haven't been to visit Spencer's grandparents, who are in their nineties, since Christmas but we finally spent yesterday afternoon with them. The dog hasn't had a bath in a month and a half (well, he's been swimming but not properly shampooed). We did some relaxing things too, which is the best part of spending a weekend at home. Today we had an elaborate Sunday brunch AND an elaborate Sunday dinner, at home just the two of us. Dinner was steak kabobs, Greek salad, garlic flatbread, yoghurt cucumber sauce, and champagne grapes for dessert. The final hours of our weekend will be spent relaxing on the couch on our laptops, editing photos and blogging.  

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