Read in a day

There seems to be a bit of a theme emerging with things done in a day - it'll be brought to a halt tomorrow, though, when I need to get on with getting ready to be away for a while. Today's task was to get Go Set a Watchman read because I didn't want to take it on holiday. I was also housebound with the electricians here for most of the day. Purely cosmetic work but it does mean that I can get rid of trailing extensions and buy yet another gadget at some point in the near future. I enjoyed the sequel to one of my favourite ever books but more in terms of reading something vaguely familiar than feeling that it matched the original. The media coverage has focused on the main shock but for me it was the little things that just didn't quite ring true. Bailey wasn't overly enamoured with my plan for the day. He was much more interested in playing with the electricians who were very patient with him and still managed to get their job done more quickly than expected. Another successful day all told. 

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