Mono Monday: Week 78 .......


This is the final week for the Mono-Monday season's challenge: This week it's Spring. Thank you, Irunlykagirl for this very challenging month!

Although, today definitely did NOT feel very spring-like! We are in the high 80's F. right now but the RealFeel  is 98° F.  And, OMG, that's just too hot! 

I went out to the garden early this morning in the hopes of finding something that would qualify for spring.  As luck would have it, it rained last night and these pansy's had some wonderful rain drops left on them.   

So, as the saying goes .....

Spring showers bring Summer Flowers.

Okay, that's not exactly how the saying goes, but it works for me!

My extra is one of the beautiful blue jays that visit us each Spring and stay through the Summer.  (Actually, they're here most of the year.)  I didn't have the heart to make him b&w. 

And I have done it again .... I have finally caught up.

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