in a polder behind the dyke of the Ijsselmeer between Volendam en Edam.
How did I come there?
In the morning I took the Randstadrail and train to Amsterdam, where I did meet with Cor, our friend. Coffee in the new Filmmuseum, modern archictecture, open spaces, vieuw upon the water of the IJ, behind the Central Station of Amsterdam.
Then we drove to Monnickendam and in the harbour I spotted a grebe, yes! with one baby on her back and another swimming near her. How marvellous I find these waterbirds.
From Monnickendam we went to Edam and we cycled from there to Volendam , on a nice cycle-path along a canal. In Volendam there were, as one could expect enormous amounts of tourists, all walking upon the dike of the Ijsselmeer.
We sat on a bench far from the crowd and looked over the water to the endless horizon. Gulls and a cormorant, and other litttle birds flew there.
Then back to Edam but on a different road behind the dike, view over the meadows. Suddenly I saw in the air a heron or that was what I thought first flying in a majestic pace towards a little canal. Oh I would have liked to capture that sight of the bird. It was so beautiful.
The egret stood then along the canal and look there were pewits that dived towards the big bird but she did not let disturb her and stood still. I then could take some pictures. There was a duck with 4 duckling that swam in the same canal, happily they were not very small and they kept together and near the shore and escaped.
The journey back to Amsterdam went well and after have dinner in the Thai restaurant I borded the train to The Hague.
The weather was nice all day, no rain, what was pretty.
Now time to go sleeping and return to Blipland in the morning.

My haiku:

The far horizon
Of the Ijsselmeer endless
Laughing of the clouds

And the proverb of Hannibal:

I will find a road or make one.

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