
The first normal day of our week in Roqeubrun (discounting the previous day due to Boys Own escapades involving the Tour De France) and a pattern of activities emerged that would become the norm for the days ahead. Namely - I get up around 8 and drink coffee and laze around in the sun by mesen, everyone else gets up late and we potter about for a bit before having lunch and then doing summat in the afternoon, and then late arvo/evening gets spent swimming in the river down in town before eating pretty late on our patio in the still sweltering temperatures with the (sometimes quite deafening) sound of insects all around us.

Anyway, today's trip out was to a spot that me and jaybroek had gone through yesterday. Up to the top of the Col de Fontfroide (altitude 972m) for a picnic and a few photos before a wander (and the obligatory Orangina/ice cream stop) around the town of Olargues on the way home. Very pretty indeed.

Image here is of the monument to the French Resistance on top of the col that I hadn't even noticed yesterday in my tour-fixated navigating.

Insects Are All Around Us

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