Happy Days

Well didn't I have just the best day yesterday. Lots of people came to my journal to see me, and that was ever so nice. 

Today's been good too; it's my 501st blip day.  Ern didn't come, but SHE and HIM both did play ball with me, and then SHE did come out into the garden, and we had a great time weeding together.  You know, pulling out more green stuff, just for the sake of it.

And then we all did go into the gym, and we did row, except I didn't row, THEY did, since my accident with the rowing machine, I keep well out of it.  But when they've rowed they have to do something called "uploading the meters".  They do that on the computer, and I like that very much.  It's a togetherness project, and I get behind her knees, and she does stroke me and he does too.  And it's ever so nice.  And sometimes Rani comes behind her knees too, and then it gets a bit crowded. 

I've been thinking a lot about this,. and I've decided I have a good life.

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