hi on life

By Storm98

Cremation ceremony

We were walking this morning and stumbled upon a parade, the ladies were carrying trats of food and drink on there heads ANC chatting happily to each other ,some of the men were playing instruments and smiling and waving at us as we took photos. Then there was a float carried by half a dozen or so more men.This is the point we realized it was a funeral! They do not grieve as we do they cellibrate the passing of life to another world. One local stopped to explain to us what was happening and it was good to take photos and cellibrate,we followed the procession and watched as they removed the coffin from its carriage then burned the coffin after removing the gentleman,they blessed his body then built the fire box around him and cremated him on the beach.After 3 hourse they place the ashes in a coconut and throw it along with money and food into the ocean.they also threw a small live chicken in, I could not understand this action but they retrieved it still alive and took it away with them.
All up an interesting experience,apparently we were welcome as the more people that atend the more important you are.
I will upload more photos when the I pad lets me.

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