Life Is Full Of Pictures

By ChrisJordan

Rabbit Warren

It was quite the adventure in our back yard today as I cut the grass (yes I did it voluntarily). It all started when I accidentally sliced the head off of a small snake as I was weed whacking . I didn't mean to do it, it just happened so fast. The snake was grey and about a foot long so I don't think it was poisonous. I didn't see where the head went but the rest of the body lay there and writhed around on the ground for a long time. Even after I went for a stick and came back it was still moving while I chucked it over the fence.

Well, after catching my breath from the snake incident, I proceeded with the weed whacking around the back fence. As I got further down the line a baby rabbit suddenly jumped out of a hole in the ground! It scared the cr-p out of me when it darted out of the hole because I had just dealt with the snake and all I saw was a grey blur. I thought it could have been something potentially dangerous. As I investigated the hole, I saw two pairs of eyes peering out at me! Upon further investigation I realized they were baby rabbits. Yep, I happened upon a rabbit warren with three baby rabbits.

This little boy you see in my blip is the sibling of the other two I observed down in the warren. How do I know? Because, I saw him come back under our fence and peer down the warren at his two sisters, shortly before they both hopped out of the hole. The mother came under the fence too about that time to round them up for dinner. You remember the mother rabbit, I blipped her at the end of May.

Quite a long story about a little rabbit, but hey...I said it was an adventure.

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