Not my camera

Seven long years Naito san had practiced.  None of his coworkers could pronounce the word megapixels in almost flawless English like he could.  For the last two years he'd been asked by countless foreigners in the Akihabara Yodobashi Camera flagship store if they sold selfie sticks and had always replied graciously with a bow and a smile.  But none of that mattered now.  His eyeballs were sweating, his brain was turning to mush and if his supervisor didn't come to tell him that he'd got the transfer that he requested into the part of the store that sold air conditioners he was going to snap!

This was taken with a pentax 645z that I slotted my memory card into.  If you zoom in on the original RAW file you can see the weave of his shirt, the hairs in his ears and his name badge.  So I didn't have to make up a name for him. Shame really.  I think he looks like a Steve.  

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