The Man and The Mountain (plus dog)

Right then…This is our town as viewed from the Mt Iron track about a third of the way up. This was where I found myself this morning to my complete delight as I spent a lot of time up here as a pup when The Boss and a friend who’s knees were in better shape then, used to walk up here several time a week.

Well this is now officially bark on the agenda as The Boss is on a “get fitter” campaign for an event (not sporting) in September. Don’t ask…OK….Some details will be available or become obvious to followers in the fullness of time he says.
Anyway it was a sorta fun morning as I attempted to refresh 10,327 marking spots and met some dogs I hadn’t met before.

One of these was a Italian water dog called “Cola” and The Boss attempted to negotiate a swap as it was the same colour as Zero but it’s owner was wary about my Irish ancestry. He spent some time later in the supermarket eyeing hair dye so I am concerned.

There was another “event” when a Bloke who was coming up while we were going down (The Boss’s favourite meeting arrangement ‘Cos he can still talk that way) remarked that I was “on lead and couldn’t I be trusted”.
The Boss replied that I was easily distracted and he couldn’t be bothered having to keep an eye on me all the time.
The Bloke replied that “He had a wife like that” and The Boss offered him a spare lead. 
I think the sooner The Bossess starts walking with him the better.


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