a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Late evening sunshine

Flower Friday 31:  Phlox 

The lead up to taking a break from work almost doesn't seem worth it some times.  

The effort to get everything done, so that one's colleagues aren't left in the lurch.  The discovery of those little jobs that have fallen to the bottom of the pile, which really ought to be sorted out now, if one is to be able to relax on holiday with a clean conscience. 

But finally you get it done, you are out of the door heading home and free from care, well for a little while at least.

So tonight as I sit here, I am free for a week - Cathy and I have some things fixed and some thoughts, but the bulk of the week is unscripted.  The weather will probably be unkind, but who cares?  Tonight I'm free!

I've not had the chance to keep up with Blip properly but will be rectifying that shortly :-)  In the meantime, here is a shot of the Phlox that have just opened today, taken in the last of tonight's late evening sunshine.

As always, thanks got to Biker Bear, our host for Flower Friday.

Abstract Thursday:
In case you were wondering, yesterday's abstract image was of the inside of a lampshade, all I did to it was to change the white balance to turn the image green and increase the amount of blue in the shadows.

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