Seattle - 5 Years

Just a few thoughts on this anniversary of a trip to southwest France and a blip friend NanaK suggesting I use this site to document the trip - and here I am still - YIKES!
This practice we have is certainly testimony to time passing, as well as each day being marked with an image to stir up memory - Sally Mann argues that the image substitutes for the actual memory.  How is it then that many of us can recall the circumstances and other mental visuals of when the image was taken, what else was happening?  (I love this aspect of the practice.)  
Photography is an endless pursuit and so facilitates chasing interests through subject focus, equipment and technical choices, and all the post production options.  There is so much I could push and it has been an education to have a bird’s eye view of these options through the works of others on this site.  (Oh my - so much more to try!)
What surfaces as most important to me after the five years of daily posting is coming to terms with my own interest and point of view, popular or not. I know that seeping in are image choices, points of view and composition, and finish choices from many of you, but I try really hard to be true to my eye and interest.  Often I have an image that I know others will like but often I do not post it because it truly was not what I was most interested in that day.  (To thine own self be true?)
The friends I have here have opened up the world of internet relationship, something of which I think I was ignorant.  Clearly the sense of camaraderie surfaced when we thought the site might go down.  Clearly we matter to one another.  I know I am not the only one who wonders about so and so when they are not posting for a period of time.  There a couple of you on my “worry” list right now.  But in general we don’t pry, we seem to know that although we share something privacy is to be respected.  (There are many forms of caring and communication Mike!)
And thank you - for all your comments, looks, stars and so on.  I will be here in the future.  Everyday?  Likely as I am a total creature of habit and practice.  Physical therapy people have always said that I am the ideal patient as i always do the work at home.  It is true.  (Who knows why - who cares why - it works!)

I am going to change my journal from Mikeday to my initials MMNaylor.  I did that when I started in haste, it has always sounded kind of stupid to me and so now is the time.  But “to notice” - that still fits like a perfect sweater!  

Thanks again,

The extra is a funny try and merging me with my subject love - plant.  You may see it again as my thumbnail portrait.  maybe

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