Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Pleasant Sunday

Dull and overcast today, but at least not raining nor particularly cold.  I had a nice long lie, then chucked a bit of washing in the machine. 

After breakfast we put the dog, a step-ladder, some Tupperware boxes, vinyl gloves and old jackets in the car, and set off to pick wild cherries.  G had discovered a place where there were half a dozen trees right at the edge of the Tibbermore road, just before it exits onto the A9 at Windyedge.  They were absolutely groaning under the weight of beautiful black cherries.

We managed to park up on the verge, and got two tubs filled in no time at all.  While we were there, three other cars arrived, spotted us picking, and drove off again in disappointment.  So thankful we got there first, or there would obviously have been nothing left.  We left plenty for the birds or other pickers, just took what we needed to make a couple of bottles of cherry vodka and a couple of jars of jam. 

After packing everything up again, we drove back towards the village, stopping on the way to walk along Old Gallows Road, which runs up the side of the fields.  I think the name of the road is quite descriptive of where it used to lead.  Now however, it is just a tractor track which is ideal for letting the dog off the lead for a good run.

We came back down through a field left fallow this year, and studded with thistles in full flower, Oxeye daisies, and other assorted weeds and wildflowers.  I was annoyed I hadn't taken my camera, but luckily had my phone. 

This photo is looking down the Strath from the Glasgow road towards the village.  Just to the left of the large tree in the background, you can see Methven Castle sitting up high in protection of the surrounding area.  The village is a mile or so along the road to the west, on the way to Crieff. 

Home now, with the Sunday papers, dog sleeping at my feet, and a cup of coffee and slice of cake waiting to be scoffed.  We have both promised that after I do my Blip, and he checks his emails, we are putting the laptops away for the day. 

So, cheerio for today chums!

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