Fraggle Rock

By frisky

:( Part 2

You must listen to this while looking/reading today

Well, Mr & Mrs Swan's babies were the victim of the local foxes. All 4 gone, and now Mr & Mrs Swan have flown away too (Well, they were there this morning and not later). Park attendant bloke said they done the same last year when there baby was taken, said they come back after a few days. Better luck for them next year, I do hope they come back soon - Miss my Swan time.

Am gutted, see how they were...

In follow up to yesterdays blip, a good laugh with my mates and a bit of a honest conversation with one in particular got me back on the right track again.

Some people have asked why I write these things down like this, to be honest am not sure - It seems to help when I write it down and can look back day to day to see how I am doing. I know some people will say "It's just an attention thing" and maybe it slightly is, more in a sense of getting confirmation that I am not going insane, or that I am doing the right things... Only time will tell.

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