
By lynne_owen

Singing in the rain!

So my sister and family have all joined us today by way of an early birthday gathering for my mum.

We all went to Morecambe first so that we could watch Batala Encontro (a 250 strong samba drumming band) as they marched and drummed along the seafront of Morecambe.  My daughter Keri would have been there but unfortunately couldn't do this gig.  Anyway, at some point, just before Batala were about to start their performance, mum decided to take herself off down the seafront and we lost her!  For two hours we searched the crowds but could not find her.  At one point we wondered if she'd got on a bus and gone back home!  Well we found her eventually, sitting on a bench on the seafront wondering where we'd all got to!  She got a ticking off when we found her.
After that we all went off to Arnside for fish and chips and it started raining and mum thought she'd do a few high kicks.  She's not like other 91 year olds, they behave themselves!

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