Five things

By fivethings

Bath Bun

1. Less sunshine but a far lighter breakfast this morning. Not quite as an early a start but we're out and on the road for 10am.

2. We have around three and a half hours to spend in Bath before our flight. I've never been here before and it really doesn't disappoint. Every turn uncovers something even more quirky, beautiful or interesting than the last.

3. On one turn I spot an amazing coat in a shop window. Oops, I bought it. It
joins Basil as the latest addition to the high roller collection.

4. Round another corner we find The Bath Bun teashop and have afternoon tea. Our soundtrack is provided by a the beautiful, soaring voice of a young opera singing busker.

5. Travel runs smoothly and in super fast time we are home, Grayson Perry for company.

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