
2years 237days

Katie did really well this morning - I'm not quite at my best, with an abscess forming and a bit of possibly hayfever or something not very pleasant, but she played so beautifully, coming to me for cuddles and snuggles every now and again. The games she was playing were gorgeous to listen to, playing with her kitchen, that she was making food for her baby and looking after her, and being all in all rather adorable. We didnt really frame ourselves until about 11, in time to eat, clean, dress for going out.

She had her first proper session at her new nursery today. I am so very proud of her. She was unimpressed when the room leader just took her from me almost at the door, before she was ready, and tried to stop me going in but I said no, I would take her in, settle her, which is what she is used to. But there were no tears. Most of the toddlers were asleep, including Livvy so I wondered how she would be once I'd gone, but when I called they said she was doing great, no tears and was playing. When I arrived back for her, she was sat side by side with Livvy, both grinning away. I got The Biggest hug from Katie and she squeezed me so tightly, but she seemed happy. Livy gave me a hug and a smile too. Katie was sad that her two other close friends from nursery werent there though. She did really very well to just go and get on with it. She told them she needed the toilet, she ate her tea, she put her coat & bag away, and Monkey down for painting; all things that took ages to work through when she first went to nursery. She's come a really long way since September.

We arrived home to Granny and Grandad, where we all had some tea. She's been full of beans before, during and after that, chattering like crazy and doing some more fabulous playing. She got down from the table early and kept coming to the kitchen door to tell us what she was doing. She read lots of stories, did some more playing before saying goodbye to them. She then disappeared to the bathroom - it was far too quiet so I went very quickly up to her. She was covering her legs in soap, like the picture.

In other news, my goddaughter Olivia Rose was born in the early hours of yesterday weighing in at 7lb 9oz. I go to meet her tomorrow!

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