
Having enough of collage I set out with Canon to find some images. I underestimated just how hot the afternoon was, so after the Library & ice_cream, I retreated to Playhouse for a cooling pint of my summer drink : Elderflower & Soda.
The advantage of sitting quietly with a book is folk don't notice me as I take out the camera. I really enjoy the variety of faces around me : young/old. Pints of good beer & huge mugs of tea. People talk, play cards, read, write.
I like this shot of a group chatting.
The extras : 2 women talking.
St Peter Mancroft reflected in the roof of our wonderful library.
A wall relief on the City Hall.
A satisfying afternoon.
I've at last , having read all of Hilary Mantel I've move on to Anne Enright.

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