Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Fast Food

Incredibly dull blip alert - panic shot.

Busy day, non-stop from start to finish: did assembly, taught, did break duty, ran through the KS2 performance, welcomed the cluster school's Olympic torch from a neighbouring primary, did lunch duty, took two classes to the field for javelin/shot/discuss/hammer introductory skills, had an hours meeting on assessment data, cooked girls tea, did 3 more hours of number crunching.....and have just stopped for a breather.


This was my fast food break during the number crunching - it only takes 15 mins to prepare and cook and it tastes mighty fine: crunchy textures and fresh flavours. I cook it when there is some stale bread to be used up and put in whatever goes with it that's in the cupboards/fridge. It does need the anchovies, garlic, chilli and thyme as the essential ingredients. Today's combination was:

- slightly stale bread (into crumbs)
- pasta: twirly stuff is better, only had tubes...sorry, need to pretend I know my stuff....Fusilli is better, but I only had Penne
- 3 or 4 anchovies
- cherry tomatoes
- a chilli or two
- clove of garlic
- button mushrooms
- fresh thyme
- fresh basil
- black pepper
- olive oil

Whilst the pasta is cooking, heat the oil and brown off the breadcrumbs for a couple of minutes (need that crunch!) and then just add the rest of the ingredients when you feel like it (I did pre-fry the mushrooms for a few minutes this time to ensure they were cooked OK). Chuck in the drained pasta when al dente (or undercooked as they say in Derbyshire) and give it all a good old mix to coat it all.

I do love to squeeze over some lemon juice to give it a proper nice twisty tang, but we had none :( Think it's a Jamie Oliver dish from the Ministry of Food of my faves for a one-man meal as none of the Lady Hollows will touch it.

Apologies for the sporadic commenting at the moment - having an incredibly busy time of it at the moment and can get to it when I get a chance!

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