Summer Meadow...

...sounds so much better than 'Arable Weed Project!   B invited me,  M and V to a cream tea at College Lake near Tring today, so of course we combined it with a walk around this lovely Wildlife Trust site first, to work up an appetite.  The weather was warm and sunny which had brought out all the butterflies.  We came across the 'Arable Weed Project' which is an on going project that the team there have been working on to create the type of farmers fields complete with the kind of wild flowers we remember from our childhoods.  Best seen in May and June, so nearly gone over now, but as you can see some cornflowers are still out along with camomile daisies (I think).  It was a glorious site and was bringing a smile to everyone who was there viewing it.
The scones, cream and jam were pretty good too!

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