Have lots to write about today. No time.

Some more on the Flickr.

just by chance I saw last night that Michael Apted was to appear at the Sheffield Doc Fest, which I didn't even know was on. So I got a ticket and went. Apted was responsible for the 7 Up series, recently in its 8th incarnation as 56 Up, which enthralled me as I came across it as a teenager and ever since. And I am sure in part was responsible for my interest in documenting people at work in photographs which i have now done in three manx towns. coincidentally the second was published today www.porterin2012.com.

But he was also responsible for many of my favourite films: he has consistently surprised me on numerous occasions when, at the end of a film i really enjoyed, and bothered to look in the credits to see who made it, he turned out to be the director. Time after time this happened; too much to be a coincidence. Stardust was one (the early 70s one); P'Tang Yang Kipperbang another.

Speaking last night he explained how he takes a documentary approach to all his film making; maybe this is something to do with it.

There's a few photos of him speaking, with 56 Up as a backdrop, on Flickr

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