Misty Tops

It rained.
We only went out as far as the garage.
The Boss walked up Mt Iron on The Bossess's treadmill.
Actually he walked from the Garment district in New York to Times Square on some silly App that was disappointing as it only had 3 pictures so was not very exciting. It was however up hill ‘Cos he had pushed that button all the way so he was a bit sniffatious at the end.
 I quite like our bark garage as it sometimes has bites of grub that have fallen out the bag in the transfer process so it is worth a scan or 5. 
However…It seems to have been swept. Curses!
Then he spend the rest of the day playing with last Christmas's pics for the book to come…It may be a while.

I chewed a leg off my frog. he didn’t seem to mind (The Frog) and still “gougles” (Not be be confused with the search lady) loudly and I think it was accidental as I was surprised as much as anybody.

The Boss shot this out his window and stayed dry.


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