Salvage from the Wreckage

By NickMogToo

King of Hi Vis

It was a good weekend and, as good weekends go, it went.

Went to work on Monday and I had a new desk but nothing else. I found my PC and tea bags by mid morning. The panic continued. We had three meetings about monitoring our progress. Number two of which was a "pre-meeting" for Number Three. Luckily, it was at lunchtime and so didn't get in the way of anything important.

The general feeling was that we might have got more done if we hadn't spent two hours discussing our progress.

This continued today. Although we managed to avoid the meetings and only had to spend the time briefing the important people who were still going to the meetings.

And it seems that I will be moved to a new project. One that "presents lots of interesting challenges*". So, no, it's all good.

Luckily, we are off on holiday on Saturday so I just don't care.

And I set a new world record for the bike ride to work this morning, smashing 6 seconds off the previous record.

M is eyeing up my road bike just as I'm starting to think that maybe gears might be a good idea after all.

*It's a project that is going badly so the panicky reaction is to throw more bodies, including my particular temple, at it.

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