
By charisw


Just a photo capturing life. 

YAY had the sutures taken out and changed from cast to moon boot.

Got cleared to get back to work and drive too. So i'm gonna start straight on tomorrow. Funny enough, I feel excited and I'm having first day to school. It hurts a bit changing from cast to moon boot, i wonder if it's because cast keeps foot more stable!? Anyway, I think I'm in good hands being at work with my workmates...they keep offering help. The reception lady even joked and said she will give me the reception bell, so I can "ding" and call for coffee/tea. :p

I'm tired...did a lot of sussing out for the foot today. And oh went to camera club, got judged for my first ever submission. A bit disappointed that I got only acceptance for one of my image as the contrast of black, white and grey were too much (it's a light reflection on the water with ripples), and I should crop the very top. But now that I learnt. And I got highly recommended for another photo, it's a rock platform. The only down side of it was that one of the rock was a bit too white/bright. Very good learning progress. 

Alright, zzZZZzz good night. 

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