a tall task

It's all got very real today... 

I spent last night hardly sleeping, listening to coughs, snores and and cries... (but that's enough about Dave, what about little un? )...  It was very strange having the little bod in our room as I kept worrying when it went quiet... however she had a fairly restless night because of the cold and then ping was wide awake at about 6 this morning... she doesn't come with a snooze button...

The day has then been mixed,  moments of play and smiles, but other long stretches of inconsolable sobbing, as she's clearly missing her foster family and finding the new set up unpredictable and scary at times.  Our one consolation is that she is clingy when she's upset rather than pushing us away... But it's tough because we can't solve the problem, we just have to hang in there and support her through it...

It's going to take some time before little un properly relaxes with us... it's like a big tall tower that we have to climb and we just have to plug away at it layer by layer...

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