Frost's Garden Centre, Brampton

My daughter is visiting and this afternoon we went with her daughter and children to a nearby garden centre. They have a children's play area called 'The Beach' which is a huge sandpit full of buckets, spades and other sand castle building equipment and along one side is a mural of colourful beach huts. After watching the children play, we had afternoon tea and cakes, then an ice cream on the terrace, finishing with  a stroll to look at the delightful plants on display. I didn't buy any as I haven't room to put any more and I only have a small balcony. Yesterday evening, my daughter and I went to The Green Dragon pub (blipped yesterday) for a tasty steak meal. As she has finished her job and is in the process of moving house, she is enjoying the bit of free time she has at the moment, and it is lovely to have her company.

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