Life Dancing

By lifedancing

Life's a Beach

I must go down to the sea again
to the lonely sea and sky
I left my shoes and socks there
I wonder if they're dry
Spike Milligan

Struggling to focus on Blip right now...yet another hasty shot taken from the train, with phone camera.
New smart phone is great but am a little disappointed in the camera.

The quality of previous stupid? phone camera, with far less pixels - seemed better than this phone. Hmmm

Had tried to write something up on Blip yesterday but gave up on writing anything remotely coherent due to being tired and jumpy.
With a bit of distance - now that nerves have settled, decided to touch on it.

After working away for a couple of days, I'd returned home to be greeted by plague of revolting Bluebottles.

It wasn't in a room where there were any foodstuffs so I assumed it was the result of a mouse carcass somewhere under the floorboards.

In the wash room a couple of days previously I'd been aware of a couple of Bluebottles but thought they must have come in through the window.

During the Olympic Flame procession I had to get ready for work and while freshening up, realised that the number of Bluebottles had greatly increased. They were on the taps, the mirror, the sink...

Like something out a horror film, I turned round slowly to see that the window blinds and other walls were absolutely covered in the ghastly things!

Some might have made it into a darkly, interesting Blip but way too squeamish for that - and just like in the movies - I fled screaming from the room.

Will be forever grateful to the lovely, fearless friend who responded to my S.O.S and came and tackled the horrors.

There was at at least some solace in thinking that the pesky mouse that's been a real nuisance, had finally popped it's clogs.

However, when I came back from work (armed to the hilt with fly spray in case there'd been another eruption) - as I opened the washroom door, a mouse scurried across the floor. Aaargh!

Another infestation of mice to deal with! Drat the blighters.
keep coming across people who have a similar problem - the mouse population seems to be expanding

Just hope that no locusts get wind of where I live....!

With work being quite intense and time spent on tackling the above - have fallen behind with the brilliant journals I sub to.
Hope to catch up soon.

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